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  • Writer's pictureCourtney Holliday

Blurry Jumper

So, I created this "adventure to-do list" back when I was preparing to move back to PA. Essentially, I just began recording all the things I wanted to do and places I wanted to visit in the area. I gathered info from Facebook events, friend's social posts, and online forums.

I was never looking for anything specific to do, just random adventures that sparked my interest. Some friends of mine would say anything 'extreme' is what I want to do. But, that's debatable, like most things.

Now there's one of two things that are going through your head right now. Just let me know if I'm completely off base - here they are:

1.) You're thinking: WOAH. I want to see this list so I can do all the adventures on it!!! To which I would respond - TOO BAD. You'll just have to keep reading my blog if ya wanna know.

2.) If you're not thinking that, you're probably thinking - okay get on with the story and just tell us about this blurry jumper nonsense. To which my response would be - YOU GOT IT, DUDE!

I found Adam's Creek Falls through a string of cliff jumping videos. The average person probably starts out with funny cat videos and ends up watching a person apply makeup with a light bulb, but then there's me. I saw this cool spot and after a few seconds of google research - I found it.

It's been on my list since March, but it was finally warm enough to go and I finally made time for it. Raymond researched the location and found the exact spot to enter the trail. The travel time from Yardley to this hiking spot in the Delaware Water Gap was about 2 hours.

The exact location: (41.241057, -74.865143)

There's very limited parking here, so car-pool if you're going with a decent sized group of people. The trail to the first waterfall area is regulated by the state so its cleared and flat. Be sure to wear shoes that you wouldn't mind getting wet because there are three points where you have to walk through a decent sized creek.

Once the regulated trail comes to an end and you reach the first waterfall, signs warn you not to trespass on the following grounds, but do it anyway. (Warning: although I may seem to be a bad ass, there is still the threat of receiving a fine for entering this area).

The first waterfall has a cliff jumping spot, but a recent storm knocked a tree into the water so it's unsafe to jump there at the moment.

The proceeding trail is less of hike and more of a climb. Let's just say it requires you to monkey climb and goat jump your way up a cliff side. Tree roots and rocks are helpful in scaling the trail, but be careful and prepare to break a sweat!

Although that climb is tough, the reward is worth it. As you round that cliff after the climb, the trail brings you into a gorge-like area that connects the first waterfall to the second. And the second is a BEAUT. Standing about 40 ft high, this layered waterfall is a looker. Around the top of the waterfall overhang there are three different cliff jumping spots, each one higher than the next.

As I explained before, I had no idea what this hike was going to be like before getting there so these cliffs were INSANE compared to what I imagined in my pea brain. I only had big enough balls to climb up the side of the waterfall and jump off one of it's over hangs.


During my visit, one guy dared to jump off each of the cliff jumps. Kids, I wouldn't try that at home.

After messing around in the refreshing water, we decided to proceed on the hike. I said it was steep before, WELL it got steeper. We scaled this mountain at what felt like a 90 degree incline. When we finally made it to the top, we rested on this enormous rock and took in the mountainous overlook.

Worth it? I'll admit it, not as much as the last one. We weren't able to find the other landmarks in that area so we headed home. On the climb back, I was fortunate enough to slide 20 ft down the cliff and scrape up my butt cheek real bad on several rocks. It was fab.

Overall, the hike was about 5.5 miles in total. Although I would label this as an advanced hike for the average human, I highly recommend this adventure! 10/10. FREE, LOCAL, AND SPECIAL.

*Please note that it is not legal to trespass in this area nor swim and jump from the waterfalls*

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