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  • Writer's pictureCourtney Holliday

Euro Solo

For a long time, I felt stuck. Stuck in a job I’d outgrown. In a tiring, fruitless routine. And, in a life I didn’t feel was my own. After months of dealing with this feeling, I decided it was time to get out. And, that’s precisely what I did. I accepted an offer for a brand new, sparkly job in New York City.

Lucky for me, I didn’t just get out – I moved up. I looked forward to more money, better benefits, shorter hours, and a fun new career as a Social Content Editor at Macy’s. Woot! Woot! Plus, two full weeks off before my new role began. I was living. But, the spontaneity didn’t stop there. A few days after putting in my resignation I found a trip to Europe on a travel site I’ve been interested in for awhile – Contiki. The trip fell perfectly between the end and beginning of my current and future careers. It seemed like fate.

I called Contiki to see if I could book it. Since I was joining last minute they had to call all of the hotels to see if they could fit me in, but, I would have to put all the money down now as a deposit. Ahhh! I wasted no time at all. The next morning they called and said I was going! I couldn’t believe it. It WAS fate. When I talked to one of their travel representatives I learned that I was really meant to be on this trip – my flight that should have been around $2K for booking so late was only $400. I was making out! The representative said she’d never seen such luck with airline tickets.

It all felt so surreal. I had a lovely long Memorial Day weekend with my boyfriend, friends, and family. I was the happiest I’d been in a long time. Everything felt right like the world was falling into place just for me. But, what I didn’t realize then was life wasn’t magically coming together for me. I had made a conscious decision to be here, to do this, and to be happy.

In less than one week I would embark on the solo trip of a lifetime. I would visit England, France, and Spain, make friends from around the world, and memories that would last forever (I know it’s cheesy – deal with it). And even more than that, I would prove to myself that I am the strong, adventurous, independent woman I always thought I was. I can travel around the world alone, experience everything I want to, meet new people, figure out foreign metros and subways. I could do it all, and I would be fine. I would rock it.

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