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  • Writer's pictureCourtney Holliday

Spelunking 101

The most fascinating elements of a person are often below the surface. External beauty is captivating, but real treasure requires excavation. Much like the hidden virtues of the mind and heart, Mexico's true beauty hides beneath the white sand beaches and manicured palm trees above. The real treasure takes the form of caves, cenotes, and underground rivers, decorating the earth below like jewels on a chain.

Río Secreto

Kept hidden from the public until 2007, Río Secreto (or secret river) is an underground river and collection of caves in the Yucatan Peninsula. The bright blue water below contrasts with the caramel and mocha rock formations, called stalactites and stalagmites, that embellish the walls within. Unlike many travelers of the past, I had the unique opportunity to explore this newly-discovered, underground palace.

Following a guide, my small tour group climbed and swam through a dramatic series of caves carved out by the flow of the ancient underground river. We marveled at the vibrantly-colored crystal formations on both the ceiling and floor and listened as the sound of our movements echoed off the cavern walls.

During our exploration, we used headlamps to guide the way. But, for a few moments we turned every light off. We floated in a river of complete darkness. I let my body go limp and merely existed. Here, I found a profound sense of peace. After a few short minutes, I felt a heightened sense of awareness. It was extraordinary.

Explore the eerie passageways of Río Secreto for yourself in Playa del Carmen, Mexico.

Tulum Cenote

A cenote is a natural pit, or sinkhole, resulting from the collapse of limestone bedrock that exposes groundwater underneath. Unlike caves and caverns, I have never had the opportunity to explore a cenote before. In Tulum, I was finally presented with the chance.

On an excursion called 'Coba Maya Encounter,' I was guided by local Mayans deep into the forest, who then helped me rappel 65 ft into a vast underground room. I, among other explorers, was dropped directly into an inner-tube and left to float in the dark body of water. The exposed limestone walls of the sinkhole were illuminated with lights, allowing visitors to admire the natural wonder around them.

From riding to hiking to rappelling to floating - everything happened so fast. Suddenly, I'm sitting in a rubber tube bouncing off the walls of a massive sinkhole. It's not until this moment that I realize - the earth does not belong to us, we belong to the earth.

Explore the earth. Protect the earth. Love the earth. 🌎

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