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  • Writer's pictureCourtney Holliday

Squishy Moss & Thundering Falls

During our Labor Day Trip to Vermont, Ray and I took a short excursion before we headed back to PA. We went to Thundering Brook Falls, which we realized was only 15 mins from my house in Plymouth. SWEET!

We drove over with Apollo, taking a thin, dirt road. Soon we arrived at a small parking area. You could tell that this small area came off a point in the Appalachian trail. Opposite of the parking lot you could see a narrow path winding into the woods, prompted by a trail marker.

To get to the falls we had to cross over a long board walk through a field, filled with flowers and bushes. It was quite lovely! If you stop at the center of the wooden path and look to your left, you will be able to see an amazing view of a nearby mountain range.

Soon the boardwalk turns to a dirt path that retreats into the trees. The path was very well kept and lined with large stones. The trail winds around a few turns before spitting you out in front of Thunder Brook Falls!

We took it in all at once, and boy was it pretty! We seemed to have come at the perfect time, right after a good rain fall. Because the waterfall was truly THUNDERING with water. You can get a good look at the base of the falls on a manmade deck overlook.

These falls are especially pretty because they are wide with a slow incline. The area around the falls is very magical and mystical. It seemed to be pulled right out of Peter Pan or some other fairy tale. The trees were large and dark. Squishy moss covered everything, but large roots protruding from the ground. It was a very fun experience to explore. Ray, Apollo and I hiked about a quarter of a mile to the top of the falls and enjoyed our lunch by the water. Apollo loved it, and so did we!

Overall, I’d rate this waterfall a 7/10 and the hike a 5/10, just because hiking up the side of the fall was short and optional! This excursion is perfect if you have an hour or so to spare while you're in the Killington area. Dog-friendly and easy for kids too.

Exact location: 2295 River Rd, Killington, VT 05751

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