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  • Writer's pictureCourtney Holliday

Take the Leap

Decisions. Whether it’s choosing what to eat for dinner or to move across the country, they can be hard as hell. But, what really makes choosing so difficult? The overwhelming amount of customization the modern day world has built around consumption? Is it the anxiety we’ve inadvertently inherited from our helicopter parents? Maybe it’s the nagging, pessimistic voice in our head predicting every possible adverse outcome?

Perhaps it’s simpler than we think.

Choosing between sushi and pizza isn’t tricky. We’re just too caught up with the benefits of each. Won’t I be mad at myself later for eating greasy pizza instead of the slightly healthier sushi? I’ll regret getting sushi when I’m not full after two rolls… Rather than going with our gut, we look to maximize our personal gain. But, what happens when two options of similar value are pitted against each other? Millennial anguish.

We want it all. We want to have a fantastic company culture AND work remotely. We want to be young parents AND wait until we’re financially stable adults. We want pizza AND sushi. But, the problem is no matter how badly we want it, we can’t have it all. Although this sounds like a glass half empty perspective, it’s not – depending on how you look at it.

You will never have FOMO if you go with your instincts. If you own who you are and make choices based on your true desires, you’ll always make the decisions you were meant to make. Living by this philosophy isn’t easy. You need to monitor your choices with clear conscious thought, but also, somehow – let go.

If you have the desire to move across the country to a city where you don’t know anyone, you should probably do it. If nothing brings you more joy than capturing someone’s essence in a single photo, you should be a damn photographer. If you have an idea in your head that you can’t seem to let go of, make it fucking happen!

There are opportunities are all around us – yes, but your opportunity is here. Only you can feel, imagine, and make it happen. It’s up to you to rely on your instincts and take charge. You are the art director of your own life, so design it.

The first big leap you take will be the toughest. Think of it like cliff jumping. The first jump is filled with anxiety, fear, and excitement. It may take you a few minutes to hype yourself up for the experience, but then – you do it. And, every jump after that is a bit easier, until it’s completely natural.

You have the freedom to choose. You have the opportunity to orient your life the way you want. Won’t you take the leap?

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