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  • Writer's pictureCourtney Holliday

How to Teach Your Dog to Paddleboard

What do you get when you combine my two favorite things?? Doggie paddleboarding! That's right. I taught both my pups to paddleboard in a matter of weeks. How? Keep reading!

Get Comfortable Before you and your doggo go bounding into the water, get your pup used to the feeling of being on the board. Place the paddleboard on a sturdy, flat surface and teach your dog to jump on. Reward your pup with a treat so they associate the action with a positive experience. Once your pup gets comfortable with that, move on to the water.

Buy a life jacket Did you know they make doggie life jackets?? They’re just what you need to ensure that you and your dog have a safe experience. You can order yours on Amazon or your choice of doggie accessory supplier. Be sure to find the right size for your dog so it will work efficiently. It should be snug around the neck and torso.

Start small Your dog won’t be ready to tackle open water right away so start with small steps. If you have access to a pool, practice floating around in it with your pup. If not, find a shallow, calm lake and get your dog used to the feeling of floating. It’ll take multiple sessions of practice before your dog might feel comfortable.

Master balance Movement is normal while using a paddleboard, so it is essential that your dog masters balance before experiencing a moving body of water. While paddling, your board tends to rock back and forth. Simulate those movements in your pool or a lake to make sure your dog has what it takes to stay aboard.

Prepare for emergencies It is imperative that your dog learns how to get back on the paddleboard if they were ever to fall off during a ride. Your pup needs to know to swim back to you and get aboard before they float out of reach. Practice this using a treat as bait. Reward your dog when they successfully re-board. Also, a lifejacket with a handle makes it easy for you to help them get back on.

Make the right call It’s up to you to decide when and if your dog is ready to take on their first paddle boarding adventure. Like humans, not all dogs can or even want to go out in the water. Make sure both you and your dog are prepared before heading to open water.

Have fun Last but not least – enjoy it! Paddleboarding with your dog is such a unique bonding experience. You’ll love it!

Here are links to the lifejackets that we bought for our larger dog and for our small doggo. Both have handles on the top, which work great!

And, here's the brand of paddleboard that I use! These are awesome because they blow up. You can deflate them and roll them up into a backpack. And, they still function like normal boards – amazing!

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